Youth Resources
Provides materials for leaders which aid them in their ministry, including curriculum guides and recruitment material.
Adventist Christian Fellowship Network
A ministry for Adventist youth attending non-Adventist higher educational institutions.
Adventist Volunteer Ministries Network
The official missionary volunteer website for the North American Division of Seventh-day Adventists, networking the leadership of many volunteer ministries, linking Adventist churches, schools, and supportive organizations toward common goals in outreach.
Center for Creative Ministry
Supporting the local church’s ministries by providing resources, information, training, and consultation. It is a private ministry recognized by the Seventh-day Adventist Church in North America.
General Conference Youth Ministries
Designed to share information with the youth of the world and provide resources for youth in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Insight Magazine
A magazine designed to reach teenagers in the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Their website provides a college guide, resources for teenagers, and an area for youth leaders, information on Ultimate Workout – a 2-week mission trip, and much more.
Next Gen News
News via e-mail for youth and youth leaders
North American Division Youth Ministries
Resources for leaders and youth in the North American Division. Provides video, photos, news letters, and more.
Selective Service Online Registration
While an all-volunteer military, registration with the Selective Service is a key component of the national security strategy. Registration with the Selective Service is required for all males between the ages of 18 and 25.
SONscreen Project
Combining information workshops with a film festival, SONscreen is an exciting gathering for student visual storytellers.